Transport and Logistics Training

Nationally Recognised Training

Offering exceptional education, information and training opportunities in the relevant fields of civil construction, mining, transport, logistics and supply chain management.

popular Online Courses


Apply a fatigue risk management system

This Australian Recognised Unit of Competency involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue


Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)

This Australian Recognised Unit of Competency involves the skills and


Complete a work diary

This Australian Recognised Unit of Competency is a must for for Heavy Vehicle Drivers. The course will satisfy Chain of Responsibility requirements by

other Online Courses


Administer a fatigue management system

This Australian Recognised Unit of Competency involves the skills and knowledge required to apply fatigue


Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)

This Australian Recognised Unit of Competency includes determining and monitoring chain of responsibility


Carry out vehicle inspection

This Australian Recognised Course involves the basic skills and knowledge required to carry out vehicle inspection. To ensure compliance with the NHVR

our training centres


Transport and Logistics

Specialising in Heavy Vehicle licences, logistics and supply chain management.


Civil Construction and Mining

Specialising in civil construction, mining and WHS courses.


Transport, Logistics and Construction

Specialising in Heavy Vehicle licences, civil construction and WHS courses.

A Few Words About Us

QTLT aims to be the leader in transport, logistics, civil and mining training on the individual and organisational level in Australia. We work toward making notable contributions to these industries in general and the economy in particular.

We adopt an inclusive and collaborative approach with our stakeholders, partners and students and, in the process, strengthen the ties that bind our economy.

QTLT is a registered training organisation RTO number 40931

Refer to the link for a full list of Qualifications and Units of competency QTLT has available on our current scope

Onsite Training & Assessment

High Risk Licenses

Classroom Training & Assessment

Customized Workplace Training

What People Say About Us

This is a basic We work toward providing the transport and logistics industry as well as the industries that depend on it with the best professionals from drivers to managers. element.
QTLT offers a vast range of training for the construction and transport industries. Their trainers are exceptional and teach with a great depth of knowledge and experience. The training provided to our employees was thorough and provided them with the necessary skills to perform their daily job tasks. We could not thank QTLT more for this help.

Registered Training Organisation - 40931